Looking for a little something spooky to read over your lunch hour? We (thanks to Anthony) have got you covered!
Anthony contacted Haunted Worcester after seeing our segment on The Dale Lepage Show, and I had the opportunity to spend some phone time with him this past weekend. Having the ability to both see and speak to the dead for as long as he can remember, he was an incredible resource, as well as fascinating to talk to! He had a number of stories (including one about a handmade Ouija board one of his relatives used until she threw it out the window) but when he told me this particular tale, I knew it was the one to write up next! Here’s what he told me:
It was somewhere during 2006 or 2007, and some friends and I were heading up to the old Worcester State Hospital. At that point, there had been some fires in some of the buildings, but there were some, including the building with the clock tower, that were still standing. There was a fence around the buildings, but we were going to walk around to see if we could see anything. I mean, that building housed so many mentally unstable inmates, and a number of them had died in fires over the years. That type of energy, and those types of spirits, don’t just disappear. We just had to avoid the security guards that patrolled the area as it got close to dark.
So my friends and I parked a ways away and started walking across the field towards the clock tower. I happened to look up and saw an old man just standing at the top of it, looking down at us. While two of my friends walked on ahead, my other friend and I slowed down. We stared up at him and he just kept one staring down at us. I knew, of course, that he had to be a ghost.
We started walking around the corner of the building, and we were heading towards a part of the fence that I knew we could sneak under in order to get a closer look. I looked back up at the clock tower, but couldn’t see the old man any longer. He had disappeared. I turned to look for the two friends who had walked on ahead, and the old man popped up right next to me! He reached out and put his hands on my friend’s face, turning it towards the building and the security guard who was just coming around another corner of the building. We felt sort of a weird, tingly feeling in our arms, and then we ran. Like, we REALLY ran!
We got to the car and headed out of there. It wasn’t until we got to a safe place and started talking that we saw them. Scratches. And not just little scratches, either. These were the kind with raised skin and welled up blood. I could see the scratches on my friend’s arm- deep and all over the place. Then I saw what had happened to me. I had one long, deep scratch that started at my shoulder and spiraled all the way down to my wrist. It didn’t really hurt, though I was definitely going to have a scar from this.
Here’s the thing though: an hour later all of the scratches were just… gone. No marks, nothing.
Spirits and ghosts don’t creep me out, I mostly just find them annoying. Now I just do my best to tune them out.