Today's story is a bit of a long one- and we LOVE it! Thank you so very much to the Worcester resident who shared this story, and to her daughter who gave us permission to post it.
*Photo/illustration credit: John Nickle
"When my husband and I go away, we often ask our daughter to come stay at our house to look after the cat, play with the lights, and to just make sure all is well while we’re gone.
Despite not growing up in the house (we moved in just before she headed off to college), our daughter has a room she considers hers, and up until a few years ago, the only being she had to share the room with was our cat.
The room always felt occupied, even when our daughter was away at school. We chalked it up to having some of her things in it, the occasional guest who stayed over, and the cat going in and out at various times to lounge on the bed. After a while though, we noticed the cat didn’t go into the room that often, but we still looked into the room expecting to see... I don’t know. Someone? Both my husband and I felt like someone- or something- was sort of hanging out in that room.
One night, I was coming out of the bathroom and I knew, I just knew, that if I looked into the room on my way by, I would see a little boy. Don’t ask me how, I just knew he’d be in there, and if he noticed me noticing him, I knew he’d try to reach out to me. I wish I could say I had been strong and at least peeked into the room, but I didn’t. I was terrified of actually seeing him, so I put up my hand, looked the other way, and said something to the effect of, “I’m sorry, I just can’t handle seeing you. I won’t be able to handle it.” As I turned into the bedroom my husband and I slept in, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me from behind, and I could feel my eyes begin to prickle with tears, though I was, and still am, pretty sure they weren’t mine.
It was shortly after this, maybe a week or so- I don’t remember exactly- that I hosted a girls night at our house, and I hired a psychic to come in and give readings. My friends and family all love having their hands read, their cards read, their fortunes told... you name it. We all had a great time talking, laughing, eating, and drinking while, one by one, we all had readings done. I opted to go last. As the hostess, I wanted to make sure my guests were able to have their readings before I settled into my reading and catching up with the psychic (His name was Richard. I had hired him for a number of previous events, and we had become friendly over time).
As soon as I sat down he looked at me and said, “Sweetie, I have to tell you something, and I don’t think you’re going to be surprised.” I don’t remember what my reaction to that was as he followed very quickly with, “You’ve got a few people camped out in your house.” I knew he didn’t mean my girlfriends in the next room.
“You know that, don’t you?” he said, tilting his head towards the hallway that lead to the bedrooms.
I think I said something to the effect of, “Oh my god, there’s a ....” at the same time he said, “You have a little boy living in that back room, the one your daughter stays in.”
I remember sitting there stunned for a moment. One the one hand, I had been right! On the other hand, I had been right! I think I started to cry a little then as I told Richard about the feeling I had that the little boy wanted to reach out and I had all but shunned him. Ghost or no ghost- I felt bad.
I remember Richard asking if he could tell me a little bit about the boy, and I nodded. He told me that the boy had been riding his bike farther down on our street and had been hit by a car. He’d been wandering around the neighborhood and ended up in our house as the energy was pretty warm and welcoming. He liked the energy in our daughter’s room, but he was lonely, and looking for playmates. When I asked what I should do about it, Richard told me that the boy would most likely move on once he realized that there weren’t any playmates in the house. He also told me that if I felt up to it, I could probably help the boy on his way by letting him know he was now safe and that it was okay to move on.
I decided that I would absolutely do that the next time I felt him in our daughter’s room. Well, wouldn’t you know it, my husband and I didn’t really get the feeling that he was hanging around anymore. To be honest, I figured that he probably moved on to find playmates elsewhere, or that maybe he had heard Richard talking and decided to REALLY move on. Our daughter’s room still felt occupied, but not necessarily by this little boy.
As weeks passed, our thoughts turned towards our upcoming vacation and getting the house ready for our daughter to come stay. As I changed the sheets on the bed in her room and my husband put the air conditioning unit in the window, I wondered if we should tell our daughter about the little boy who’s ghost had been hanging around in her room. I hadn’t realized I had said it out loud until my husband said that, since we hadn’t felt him around, he was most likely gone. We weren’t sure if it would weird our daughter out or not, so we packed, prepped, and said nothing.
Vacation was wonderful! It’s always nice to go away, and doubly so when you know that there is someone taking care of things back home. Though our daughter is more than capable of handling the household, we still like to check in every few days just to make sure that all’s well. We called to say hello and check in on our second day away. We were told, “The cat is fine, mail’s on the table, and I’ve already eaten at Coney Island!” My husband reminded her about the cat’s meds, and then I took the phone to say goodbye. Before I could, however, my daughter said, “So... I had kind of a weird dream last night. I dreamt that a little boy was in a bicycle accident near the house. I know it was a dream, but I think he’s really here. Like... in the house.” I about passed out on the spot.
I asked her if she had seen him, and she said, “I think so? I mean, I did in my dream, and when I woke up, it was like I could still feel him in the room.” I filled her in on what Richard, our psychic, had said the night of the reading party. “Oh. That makes sense, then. Yeah, I think he’s still here.” She was so matter of fact about it, and definitely handled it better than I had. She said she would let him know it was okay to move on.
And he did. We came home from vacation to find that the cat had moved back into the room to lounge around on our daughter’s bed. Neither my husband or I felt that anyone was there (well, not in that room, anyway. The library is a whole different story). I hope he found peace- and playmates- wherever he went.”